
crochet abbreviations

Crochet Abbreviations

They are short and sweet but what do they all mean?  Crochet patterns use abbreviations, to make the pattern easier to read, but if you don't know what the abbreviation means it can be very confusing.  

At the beginning of a crochet pattern there is usually a list of the stitches used in the pattern and their abbreviations. 

Here is a list of the standard crochet abbreviations and their definition.  

Click on the links below for quick 1 minute step-by-step stitch tutorials.



ALT alternate

APPROX approximately


BB back bump

BEG begin or beginning

BET between

BL/BLO back loop only

BO bobble

BP back post

BPDC back post double crochet

BPDTR back post double treble crochet

BPHDC back post half double crochet

BPSC back post single crochet

BPTR back post treble crochet


CA colour A

CB colour B

CC contrasting colour

CH chain stitch

CH- chain previously made

CH-SP chain space

CL cluster

CONT continue


DC double crochet

DC DEC double crochet decrease

DC INC double crochet increase

DC2TOG double crochet 2 stitches together

DC3TOG double crochet 3 stitches together

DCBLO double crochet back loop only

DCFLO double crochet front loop only

DEC decrease

DTR double treble crochet


EDC extended double crochet

EHDC extended half double crochet

ESC extended single crochet

ETR extended treble crochet


FDC foundation double crochet

FHDC foundation half double crochet

FL/ FLO front loop only

FO finished object

FOLL following

FP front post

FPDC front post double crochet

FPDTR front post double treble crochet

FPHDC front post half double crochet

FPSC front post single crochet

FPTR front post treble crochet

FSC foundation single crochet

FTR foundation treble/triple crochet


HDC half double crochet

HDC DEC half double crochet decrease

HDC INC half double crochet increase (hdc inc or 2hdc)

HDC2TOG half double crochet 2 stitches together

HDC3TOG half double crochet 3 stitches together

HDCBLO half double crochet back loop only

HDCFLO half double crochet front loop only

HDC SL ST half double crochet slip stitch     

HHDC herringbone half double crochet

HK hook



INC increase


LP loop


M marker

MC main colour

MR magic ring


PAT pattern

PC popcorn stitch

PM place marker

PREV previous

PS/PUFF puff stitch


REM remaining

REP repeat

REV reverse

RND(S) round(s)

RS right side


SC single crochet

SCBB single crochet back bump

SC DEC single crochet decrease

SC INC/2SC single crochet increase

SC2TOG single crochet 2 stitches together

SC3TOG single crochet 3 stitches together

SCBLO single crochet back loop only

SCFLO single crochet front loop only

SC X-ST single crochet cross stitch

SH shell stitch

SK skip stitch

SL ST/ SS slip stitch

SM stitch marker

SP space

ST stitch


TBL through back loop

TCH turning chain

TOG together

TR treble or triple crochet

TR DEC treble crochet decrease

TR INC treble crochet increase

TR2TOG treble crochet 2 stitches together

TR3TOG treble crochet 3 stitches together

TRBLO treble crochet back loop only

TRFLO treble crochet front loop only

TRTR trible treble crochet


WS waistcoat stitch

WIP work in progress

WS wrong side


YO yarn over

YU yarn under